For my son, a good summer involves a whole lot of nothing. Sleeping until 11, eating, playing video games, eating, puttering around in his room, maybe reading a little, having a snack, watching tv, checking email, more puttering, dinner, pool, ice cream, more video games and then bed.
For my daughter, there is less eating and sleeping, zero video games, lots of reading, writing and drawing, lots of time hanging out with friends, tons of time spent listening to and playing music. It is a wonder either of them can fit it all in.
For me, now, a good summer has to involve sand between my toes, if only briefly, a good lung full of seawater, a couple of good books and hopefully the accomplishment of a few projects. Similarly, it all goes zooming by in record time.
I am blessed to live in a place that has seasons that are structured in such a way that the very second before I have really begun to complain about the heat....it cools off. And then again with winter just as I am on the verge of hypothermia the daffodils are in bloom.
I am grateful for the wonders of nature.
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