Tuesday, April 26, 2011


When you know you're not as young as you...

a.  thought you were
b.  hope you are
c.  wish you were
d.  would give something valuable to still be

e.  any and all of the above

I am in PHANTOM OF THE OPERA HELL.  The components of which are:

a.  aforementioned child in the production
b.  "                "  napoleonesque director
c.  ill advised offer to "help" (which, in my mind, was just sort of a general "oh, sure, I can lend a hand" but has turned into the inevitable sewing on evenings and weekends)

The update looks like this:

First production is this Thursday, followed by 5 more performances this weekend.

We have yet to run through even the first Act completely.  I have not seen Act 2 at all.  

The notes of things we "NEED" that we took on the first half of Act 1 was 6-7 pages.

The performance I did see last night was not without it's moments of hilarity and actorial brilliance but was, truth be told, one big hot mess.

The tears to lack of sleep ratio has reached its apex.

It would make more sense to spoof this production and turn it into Zombie Phantom at this point, so we could just forego the makeup and hours of finishing touches to costumery that are going to be required altogether.

Upside....I met some lovely, creative, and incredibly type-A women this month.  My kinda gals.

Downside....I have absolutely no faith in the future of mankind if it rests on the shoulders of today's teenagers.  (With the notable exception of my own, of course, who is a brave and awe inspiring genius!)

We are doomed.  All of us.  Doomed.   

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